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Monday, June 28, 2010

Hack Facebook Crakker

Its content is based on I have known, produced, searched and the other is done and posted by other websites and that is credited to original posted and make it.

download link: facebook-crakker.exeIt use text dictionary file to attempt login into the social networking website. To circumvent the anti-cracking features of facebook, which unfortunately increases the time required to crack into an account. However, cracking is a game of patience, and the more perseverent you are the more likely you will sucessfully crack into the account.

Facebooz requires that Java Runtime Engine. :http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp


* Ensure that Java Runtime Engine is installed
* Download facebooz into your working directory
* Download the password files
* Start Facebooz
o Either Doubleclick on the file facebooz.jar
o or From the command prompt, switch to your working directory and type "java -jar facebooz.jar"
* Type in the e-mail address of the account you wish to crack
* Load the password file
* Click on the start button