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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sun Cellular Free browsing using handler or modded applications

Its content is based on I have known, produced, searched and the other is done and posted by other websites and that is credited to original posted and make it. 

Follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Set your internet settings. to activate your sun cellullar sim  just text ACTIVATE to 2300 or call 200 using sun cellular mobile. For landline dial (02) 395-8000. A customer service representative will assist you, but if you purchased your handset from sun cellular, its already configured to access GPRS services.
To configure your handset, text SETTINGS to 2300.
Note: Handset settings vary depending on phone model. configuration is free of charge.
If you have already sun cellular settings, that is better! so here they are..
Step 2: Using your phone go to menu>settings>internet settings> note: you creat your own settings or you can edit the exsisting sun cellular settings. for your settings edit this ff. configuration.
Connection name: any name you want
Access point name (apn): mms
Proxy server address (psa): 
port: 80
Step 3: Set your Browser or download here - - all modded browser- - 
Edit your settings in your browser or other handler application.

Try to replace the emulators (mini5beta.opera-mini.net, beta.opera-mini.net, & server4.operamini.com) with working numerical Global IP's to boost the server.

For opera mini http server

May 28, 2010:Custom HTTP Server:https://securehost46.hrwebservices.net/~dtagcom/phr/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80

May 08, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/

May 07, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/

May 06, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lelook.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

May, 06, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://scarewar.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010101A/http/

May, 05, 2010: BM: https://securehost46.hrwebservices.net/~dtagcom/phr/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/url of site credit to aquaman

May, 04, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://gowingo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

May, 03, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://flyproxy.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/

April, 30, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

April, 29, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/

April, 29, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/

April, 29, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/

April 25, 2010:Custom HTTP Server:https://anonyahoo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

April 22, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 21, 2010:BM: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/url of site

April 18, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 18, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://mailwit.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 18, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lelook.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 17, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.anonyahoo/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 17, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.anonadult/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 17, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.anonlove/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 17, 2010:Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 16, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://anonlove.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 14, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://anonadult.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 14, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://foxyn.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 13, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://anongoogle.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April 13, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://anonyahoo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80

April, 12, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/beta.opera-mini.net:80

April, 09, 2010: Custom HTTP Server: https://obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80

For Phone browser

BM: https://clearlydrunk.com
BM: https://launchwebs.org
BM: https://faceofliberty.com
BM: https://www.libertybell.biz

BM: https://unblok.info
BM: https://byefilter.info
BM: https://liberatethenet.info

Glype proxy

BM: https://freesslproxy.com
BM: https://sslunblock.com
BM: https://liberatethenet.com

Settings for Different Handler Applications and Others:

A. OM4.2 and OM5 Handler UI Settings:

The Settings for your OM4.2 Labs Handler UI 145 is far different from the previous OM4.2 Handlers. Likewise, OM5 Final Handler UI 143 from OM5.0 beta and OM5 beta2 Handlers.

A.1. OM4.2 Labs Handler UI 145 & OM5.0 Final Handler UI 143 Settings:
NOTE: This is a sample Settings.

Operator Trick

Operator: select any Custom (1-5)
Config Name: public
Custom HTTP Server: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/
Custom Socket Server: socket://server4.operamini.com:1080
Front Query: public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/
Middle Query: do not fill
Back Query: do not fill
Filter: do not fill
Add Port to Non-Port URL: do not fill
Remove Port from URL: mark it
Use Proxy: No Proxy
Proxy Server: do not fill
User Name: do not fill
Password: do not fill

A.2. For Multi Operator and Multi server Opera Mini:  Just copy the Custom HTTP Server and place it on your OM Custom Server.

A.3. Previous OM4.2 Handlers, OM 5.0 Beta Handler & OM5.0 Beta2 Handler UI Settings:

1. Custom HTTP Server: https://obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80 Working since 04092010 up to now
Front Querry: obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

2. Custom HTTP Server: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/beta.opera-mini.net:80 tested working today 04122010
Front Querry: public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

3. Custom HTTP Server: https://mailwit.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80
Front Querry: mailwit.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

4. Custom HTTP Server: https://suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80
Front Querry: suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

5. Custom HTTP Server: https://foxyn.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80
Front Querry:  foxyn.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

6.. Custom HTTP Server: https://gowingo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80
Front Querry:  gowingo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/000000A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

7. Custom HTTP Server: https://concealme.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80
Front Querry:  concealme.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/
Remove String from URL: global-4-lvs-seele.opera-mini-net
Remove Port from URL: mark it

8. Custom HTTP Server: https://flyproxy.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80

9. Custom HTTP Server: https://anonlove.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/ server4.operamini.com:80

10. Custom HTTP Server: https://anonyahoo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80 working today 04122010 12:38 am

11. Custom HTTP Server:

12. Custom HTTP Server: credited to acebryant08

13. Custom HTTP Server: https://lelook.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80

14. Custom HTTP Server: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/beta.opera-mini.net:80

15.Custom HTTP Server: https://scarewar.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010101A/http/beta.opera-mini.net:80

16. Custom HTTP Server: https://anongoogle.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/mini5beta.opera-mini.net:80  tested working 12:05 am 04132010

17. Custom HTTP Server: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/beta.opera-mini.net:80 built-in is working 04212010

18. Custom HTTP Server:https://securehost46.hrwebservices.net/~dtagcom/phr/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/server4.operamini.com:80

B. Opera built 8.65 (Ob8.65) & Built-in Settings:


1. BM: https://obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

2. BM: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

3. BM: https://mailwit.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

4. BM: https://suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

5. BM: https://foxyn.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

6. BM: https://gowingo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

7. BM: https://concealme.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

8. BM: https://flyproxy.com/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

9. BM: https://anonlove.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

10. BM: https://anonyahoo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoy.den.com

11. BM:

12. BM:

13. BM: https://lelook.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

14. BM: https://lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/000010A/http/pinoyden.com

15. BM: https://scarewar.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010101A/http/pinoyden.com

16. BM: https://anongoogle.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

17. BM: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/url of site

18. BM:https://securehost46.hrwebservices.net/~dtagcom/phr/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/url of site

B.1. Application to Ob8.65:

1. Open your ob8.65 device

2. Press Menu and select "Go to (#1)". Proceed and type the new homepage in the url box: https://public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com

Then press "Go to" and the device will be prompted.

3. Select Sun MMS Access Point:

Port: 8080
APN: mms

4. Wait for a while until your connected. When the site appears on your celfon screen, bookmark it! It will serve as your homepage reference.

5. Login, dont forget to bookmark our site pinoyden and other sites you wanted to visit. Enjoy browsing kaSunLambingan.  

B.2. Application to Cellpones Built-in:

B.2.1. For s40

1. Go to Menu> select Settings> select Configurations> select Personal configurations> select Sun MMS> press Options> select Activate: it is activated as preferred access point, press back

2. Scroll down and select Default configuration settings> press Options> select Sun MMS Set as default and scroll down

3. Select Activate default for all applications> the celfon prompts Activate default in all applications? Press Yes: default is activated in all applications, press back twice

4. Select Web> from Web options select and press Bookmarks> select New bookmark>

Enter address: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com press OK
Enter title: random, press OK, bookmark was added

5. Select the New bookmark and press to connect. This site has sent an untrusted certificate. Connect anyway? Press Options> Select and press Continue. Wait until your connected.

6. Login, dont forget to bookmark our site PinoyDen and other sites you wanted to visit. Enjoy browsing kaSunLambingan

B.2.2. For s60, s60v2, and the like:

1. Go to Menu, select and press Web> press Options> select Settings> select Access point Sun MMS and press back.

2. Press Options> select Bookmark Manager> select Add bookmark>

Name: random
Address: https://random.hopto.org/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/http/pinoyden.com
Access Point: Default
Username: do not fill
Password: do not fill

Then press back, the celfon prompts Save changes?> press Yes

3. Press  new bookmark random to start connection> it will prompt to Connection to server needed. Connect? Press Yes...Connecting via ''Sun MMS''

4. This site has sent an untrusted certificate. Connect anyway? Press Options> Select and press Continue. Wait until your connected.

5. Login, dont forget to bookmark our site PinoyDen and other sites you wanted to visit. Enjoy browsing kaSunLambingan

C. aED, Bolt, Ebuddy, G-Maps, Mig33, SHMessenger, Snaptu, & Ucweb Handler UI Settings:

OperatorTrick 1
Front Query: obmem.com/cgi-bin/cgiproxy/nph-proxy.pl/010110A/http/ or use any of the MMS servers that i have posted here.
Leave other Queries and boxes blank

OperatorTrick 2
Front Query: public.rz.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~carsteng/nph-via.cgi/010110A/http/

OperatorTrick 3
Front Query: mailwit.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

OperatorTrick 4
Front Query: suresome.com/proxy/nph-secure/010110A/http/

OperatorTrick 5
Front Query: anonlove.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

Front Query: anonyahoo.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

Front Query: foxyn.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

Front Query: anonadult.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

Front Query: lodgeus.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/000010A/http/

Front Query: anongoogle.com/cgi-bin/nph-get.cgi/010110A/http/

D. Download (See also Attachments):

D. Download:


Aed460HandlerUI.jar(58.28 KB)
Ebuddy150betaHandlerUI141.jar(292.37 KB)
Gmaps232HandlerUIproxy.jar(444.85 KB)
Mig33v420betaHandlerUI121.jar(168.33 KB)
Opmin5018741HandlerUI143.jar(286.43 KB)
OM5-shiangtao multi latestjar.zip(276.08 KB)
Opmin42LabsHandlerUI145Rev4.jar(186.01 KB)
ShMessenger Handler121UI mod v3.17.jar(203 Kb)
SnapTu128 HandlerUI142.jar (121 Kb)
UCbrowser 7.0.041 Handler UI 142 International Edition.jar(340 kb)
ShMessenger Handler121UI mod v3.17.jar (203 Kb)
SnapTu128 HandlerUI142.jar (121 Kb)
UCbrowser 7.0.041 Handler UI 142 International Edition.jar (340 kb)

E. Follow this steps in downloading prov file:

1. Download the provisionary file using your s60 fon or PC. Rename it to .prov file using file Xplorer if it is in extension filename .zip or .ext. However, if it is already in .prov file do not alter it.

2. Then transfer the prov file to your s40 fon via infrared or bluetooth

3. Save settings and use it as your default web connection.

IV. How to Activate your Sun GPRS?

1. Turn off your cellpone. Open the back cover.
2. Insert your newly acquired Sun simcard into the Sim card holder. Make sure that the contact area of the card is facing the connectors on the device and the bevelled corner on the card is facing the base of the device.
3. Close the Sim card holder, and lock it into place.
4. Replace the back cover.
5. Turn on your cellphone.
6. You will recieve an automated message from 202 "Recieve FREE handset settings to access Mobile Internet, WAP, and MMS services. Just reply YES to this message. When asked for a pin, enter 1234."
7. Text YES and send to 202
8. You will recieve the settings from the Service provider. Select Save from Options to configure all settings.

Access Points:

Connection Name: Sun MMS
APN: mms
Port: 8080
Homepage: http://mmscenter.suncellular.com.ph

Connection Name: SUN INTERNET
APN: minternet
PA: None
Port: 0

Connection Name: SUN WAP
APN: wap
Port: 8080
Homepage: http://www.suncellular.com.ph



Multimedia access points:


Web settings: