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Monday, June 28, 2010

How to hack Yahoo, MSN, eBay, Google, PayPal accounts.

Its content is based on I have known, produced, searched and the other is done and posted by other websites and that is credited to original posted and make it.

The objective of this "how to hack" tutorial is to teach you about the basics in hacking a Yahoo, MSN, eBay, Google or PayPal account. The first thing when hacking such account is to know the username that you want to get the password for. First of all, take a blank piece of paper. Next, write down the username that you want to get the password for. All that follows is so simple that you wouldn't even imagine. Replace the following from the username:
Letter A with 9
Letter B with 1
Letter a with 5
Letter b with 3
Letter Z with 2
Letter z with 4
Letter X with 6
Letter x with 8
Letter I with 7
Letter i with 0.
Then use the following passphrase to fool the MD5 crypt system:
together with the username, as it is shown below:
What is results from joining the passphrase and username together is the temporary password that will grant you access into the user's account to change his password to a new one that only you will know.
This method is tested and stands as a proof that no system is actually invulnerable. To get to this point, I have only used my knowledge in system administration to know that at any time, a sys admin at Yahoo or any other site can see your account using this temporary password.
Hoping that this will help, I wish you the best of luck.